Are Reference Check and Endorsement Important When You Look For A New Job?

Leaving a good impression on key members of your current company and having their endorsements are very crucial when you look for a new job.

Candidates with good reference checks and compliments from his or her previous supervisor, manager, and other key members will get the higher chance to be considered for the position.

Having the endorsement of someone who you have worked with, is respected in that company or industry, and has watched you grow into the role is critical to have in your job seeker kit bag.

Here are simple steps to help you get the referral and endorsements from your colleagues:

Asking for the referral

If you have decided to leave (for professional or personal reasons) and seek new opportunities, you should consider if there is someone at your current employer that you could ask to be your referee. You may ask for this confidentially, especially if you are yet to let your employer know that you are moving on.

Whether you leave on your own terms or have been laid off, your employer should have provided you with a written referral, and this can be useful as it vouches that you have worked with them, have met all work requirements, and not having left on bad terms etc. However, you will also want to approach someone in the company who knows you best and has watched you grow, as a referee.

When asking for someone to act as your referee, remember you are asking a favour from that person, so always acknowledge this. Some people may not feel comfortable being your referee, and if this is the case, be respectful of their decision.

Once they agree, you will need to get permission to share that person’s name, title and contact details with your prospective employer. If you are at the referral stage in the application process. don’t forget to contact your referees to let them know to expect a call or email from a prospective employer. It is simply good manners to do so, as is a thank you afterwards.

You are most likely needing up to three referrals, and not all from the same company, so keep that in mind when updating your referral list. We suggest that at least two of these should be professional references, and if you do provide a personal reference, make sure that you are clear regarding the relationship.


Powerful "Endorsement" session on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the best tools to help recruiters (at Sharesource and most companies) to identify possible candidates if there is a shortage of talent.

Therefore, if you aren’t on LinkedIn already, you should build your profile now. LinkedIn is a great platform to present your knowledge, skills, and areas of interest. It is also a terrific way to get endorsements from people who have influence, especially when you are looking for a new position.

When seeking work, it is highly likely that a prospective employer (including us here at Sharesource) will check you out on LinkedIn so making sure it is up to date, presents you in a positive light, and as an active member on the platform is important.

LinkedIn also provides an opportunity for people to endorse your skills and strengths, so it is worth checking this out and seeking out endorsements from contacts you know professionally or personally on LinkedIn.


And once you get that next great position, update your LinkedIn to reflect your new work status, and then go out and celebrate!

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