In business we often talk about performance management. We set KPIs, we provide position descriptions, we conduct annual performance reviews but how often do we simply tell our team members that they matter?
If you can answer, often, regularly or everyday – great, well done, congratulations. If you said, once a year at their performance review, then think again.
You might be surprised that there is a science to mattering and even a definition.
Of course, mattering is not exclusive to the workplace, it has a vital role in growing up, at school, at home and in life generally as it can help reduce depression and anxiety.
At work, mattering provides self-esteem, and motivation, it gives our work purpose.
In his book, Zach outlines three ways to cultivate mattering:
Section 2
Notice them
Notice people, make eye contact, check-in on them, simply say Hi.
Appreciate them
Communicate people’s strengths and positive traits rather than dwell on the negative.
Make them feel needed
Tell people they’re needed and relied on and are an important part of the whole.
Section 3
It all sounds easy but often work pressures get in the way of spending that little extra time needed to acknowledge. And even more so, with team members working remotely, checking in, just to say thanks, has never been more important. You may start by:
Acknowledging a job well done
Asking how they are
Asking for their ideas and input
Saying ‘thank you’ and ‘congratulations’
We think we do ‘mattering’ well at Sharesource; however from time to time, issues occur with a member of the team, and we are reminded that we can do better. We are all guilty of letting our busy days, weeks and months get in the way of looking out for the team. However, when we drop the ‘mattering’ ball, we acknowledge the drop, pick it up, and get back to making ‘mattering’ a part of our business.
Oh, and while we are at it, a big shout out to our team, and our partners. Together we are unleashing human potential – and we couldn’t do this without you.
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