Cardihab is incredibly proud to have won the #innov8health. Sharesource’s Full-Stack Software Engineers, Mark Roldan and Loyd Ocampo and QA Engineer, Ezsa Franza, all based in the Philippines, along with their team members in Australia, work closely and tirelessly to enhance and accelerate the uptake of Cardihab’s platform. As a Senior Full-Stack Developer, Mark is responsible for the iOS and Android app development from conception to deployment. Loyd, who recently joined the team, assists Mark with the front and backend architecture, as well as security audits. Ezsa undertakes quality assurance and data integrity tests, making sure the release versions of the app are bug-free and conform to the quality standards aimed for. She also provides customer support, along with her Australian colleagues.
Sharesource warmly congratulates Cardihab’s CEO, Helen Souris, and the entire global team on this awesome accolade - we’re proud to be a part of it! Pitchfest 2020 event earlier this month with their Digital Cardiac Rehabilitation solution, SmartCR. Their platform, which won over a talented group of entrepreneurs, uses a smartphone app to connect with a secure clinician portal to deliver more convenient, flexible, and engaging cardiac rehabilitation services to patients. Their solution demonstrably increases cardiac rehabilitation uptake, adherence, and completion rates, meaning better outcomes for patients, clinicians, and health service administrators. SmartCR ensures patients continue to have access to essential care despite geographical and/or COVID-19 related social distancing measures.
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