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The Intertwining Of My Spiritual, Physical And Mental Health

Written by Clare Anderson | Aug 25, 2021 8:57:37 AM

Lexi, Data/Inventory Specialist

It took a global pandemic for me to realize how intertwined our spiritual, mental and physical health is. For as long as I can remember, people have criticized me about my weight and looks. Despite not actually being that big, I don’t think there is a diet I haven’t tried - without success. The bullying in my school days was relentless (I was called a ‘pig’ amongst other things.) I had no date for my school Prom - and no one would dance with me. Like this wasn’t enough, I was also teased about the square shape of my face - they called me ‘SpongeBob’ when I was a kid. The loneliness and hopelessness were overwhelming.

I hung on to a boyfriend who constantly compared me negatively to attractive women in the media for seven years - until he eventually cheated on me and ended our relationship. I thought this was normal - I had never known anything else. I was so insecure and uncomfortable that I barely socialized outside my very small circle of close friends. Self-love is a long and arduous process and I didn’t know how to overcome my insecurities and live the life I should.

When the pandemic hit, my life took the opposite direction to most people’s. Instead of sinking further into the black hole that had been my whole life, I decided enough was enough! Somehow, I realised that life was too short to carry on as I had been. I had to finally take control and regain the power we all have to create our reality. Maybe it was because life suddenly seemed so transitory and tenuous - we literally don’t know what each new day brings. 

My spiritual health was the first thing I worked on. I needed help and strength from a higher power. Praying to God every night for guidance and support and strength bolstered me like I never thought was possible. I realized that everything starts in your mind and in your heart. Getting closer to God led directly into my physical health starting to improve.

This time I steered clear of all the crash diets I had tried over the years. I found patience and resilience and started to lose weight slowly but steadily over an eight month period. My secret? No rice. No sweets. More vegetables and ‘real' foods. Pure black coffee - and lots more water. H.I.I.T workouts six days a week. I listened to my intuition and realised that I no longer needed comfort food to feel better.   

As my physical health became better, so too did my mental health. My moods improved. I didn’t feel anxious anymore. My confidence grew. I became proud of myself and my patience and resilience. I didn’t need instant gratification anymore - I set myself longer term goals. Slowly but surely I built my confidence and overcame my insecurities. In my spare time, I focused on my hobby as a makeup artist, a creative outlet I enjoyed playing with. I’ve always loved makeup and the wondrous things you can do with it. However I came to realize that I no longer needed to hide behind it. I was beautiful without it. We all are. We don’t need it all the time - it’s certainly not essential - just fun! I now see it solely as an artistic outlet for my creative talents - and I’ve had a few wedding bookings! Check out one of my makeup tutorials here if you’re interested.

What people say no longer affects me anymore. I know my self-worth - and I know that I am motivating and inspiring others. I’ve picked myself up, dusted myself off, and started again. I have God by my side and self-love and self-belief in my heart. I’m going to keep shining my light - spiritually, mentally and physically! Everything happens for a reason and it’s up to you how you see it and live it.

#unleashinghumanpotential; #SocialImpactOutsourcing 



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