Leadership - Sharesource

Making People Feel The Love

Written by Clare Anderson | Jan 3, 2022 1:57:17 AM

Bich, IT Recruiter

Love, in all its many forms, has always been my primary motivator in life. And to live your best life, both personally and professionally, what motivates you needs to be a big part of what you do every day. Living with love is my strength, my passion and my dream - it’s what enlivens me and keeps me going every day. So I am beyond blessed that love envelops my work - and comes back to me many times over as a result. 

Bringing people together and connecting them gives my life purpose and meaning. I specialise in recruiting tech roles and have an HR function, however, my role in Sharesource’s newest hub in Vietnam has taken on so much more than this over the eight months I have been with them. I work very closely with our Country Manager and support our whole team in any way that I can. Somehow, people know they can come to me with whatever they need to talk about. They know I will listen, and understand and respect the confidences they share with me. I will offer support and gentle advice - if it is wanted and needed. I’m also the icebreaker between newbies and our team - I like to make sure people feel heard, cared for and supported. 

I cannot tell you how much I feel I have matured and grown since joining the Sharesource family just eight short months ago. I’ve taken the opportunities they have given me and made sure I am using them to enable my growth. I’m more proactive and able to solve problems on my own. I’m being exposed to many different countries and mindsets, both through my colleagues and with our partners. I’m understanding the different ways in which people around the world think and work. I’m experiencing a truly supportive culture where no one is ever left alone if they need help. I’m given space and time to enhance my skills and keep pushing my learning journey forward. I feel valued - and as though my ideas are respected - whether they are good ones or not. 

So the love is a two-way thing. I’m blessed and excited to be a part of building our Vietnamese team into being the best they can be. I’m doing what I love and what I’m good at - connecting with people and using my empathy and intuition to encourage and support those around me. And in return, I’m being nurtured and encouraged to reach my highest potential. I’m learning and growing in ways I never imagined every day - which is what Sharesource is all about.  My favourite song by Adele, ‘Make You Feel My Love’ sums up my ethos in life perfectly - I’ll always do my best to make everyone around me feel my love. 

#UnleashingHumanPotential; #SocialImpactOutsourcing